How Microsoft Uses C++ to Deliver Office - Huge Size, Small Components - Zachary Henkel - CppCon 2022
Office is one of the largest and longest-lived C++ codebases in the world. Over 40 years Office has evolved from a single application written in C for DOS to a product containing over 100M lines of C++ code targeting more than a dozen platforms. What are the implications of growing to this size and what sort of engineering is required? In this talk I’ll give a glimpse behind the curtain on the C++ engineering and architecture in Office. In addition to sharing some details on the scale of Office, I’ll describe the design and coding standards used to create well-factored components that we have termed liblets.
Zachary Henkel
Zachary is a Principal Software Engineer on the Core Architecture Team in Office. He is focused on codebase health and sustainability. He relishes the challenge of evolving the C++ code of a product as large and long-lived as Office. As much as Zachary likes writing new code, he’s happiest when deleting unused or duplicate code.
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Back to Basics: Templates in C++ - Nicolai Josuttis - CppCon 2022
Templates are among the most powerful features of C++, but they remain misunderstood and underutilized, even as the C++ language and development community have advanced. This talk shows when and how to use modern templates to build software that's cleaner, faster, more efficient, and easier to maintain. We will cover all basic aspects of templates you have to know when programming generic code in Modern C++
Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis is well-known in the community for his authoritative books and talks. For more than 20 years he has been a member of the C++ Standard Committee. He is the author of several worldwide best-sellers, including:
- C++20: The Complete Guide
- C++17: The Complete Guide
- C++ Move Semantics: The Complete Guide
- The C++ Standard Library: A tutorial and Reference
- C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (w/ David Vandevoorde & Doug Gregor)
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Back to Basics: Debugging - Mike Shah - CppCon 2022
I always tell my students, the debugger is your 'get out of jail free card' when working on a project. I say the same thing to professionals, debuggers are your 'get out of free jail card'. The reality is that programmers spend the majority of their time debugging as opposed to writing new code. Unfortunately many programmers do not learn how to use a debugger, or otherwise how they should approach debugging. In this talk I am going to show you how to debug C++ code, starting from the very basics and then demonstrating how a debugger like GDB can be used to help you track errors in CPU code. Attendees at this talk will learn names of debugging techniques (e.g. delta debugging), and I will demonstrate several debugging tools (stepping through code, capturing backtraces, conditional breakpoints, scripting, and even time traveling!) to demonstrate the power of debuggers. This is a beginner friendly talk where we are going to start from the beginning, but I suspect I may show a trick or two that folks with prior experience will appreciate.
Mike Shah
Mike Shah is an Associate Teaching Professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. His primary teaching interests are in computer systems, computer graphics, and software engineering. His research interests are related to performance engineering (dynamic analysis), software visualization, and computer graphics. Along with teaching and research work, he have juggled occasional consulting work as a 3D Senior Graphics Engineer in C++.
Mike discovered computer science at the age of 13 when googling ”how do I make games”. From that google search, Mike has worked as a freelance game developer, worked in industry for Intel, Sony Playstation, Oblong Industries, and researched at The Ohio Supercomputer Center to name a few. Mike cares about building tools to help programmers monitor and improve the performance of realtime applications– especially games. In Michael’s spare time he is a long distance runner, weight lifter, and amateur pizza maker.
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Functional Composable Operations with Unix-Style Pipes in C++ - Ankur Satle - CppCon 2022
Let's write C++ code like this shaking off all the verbosity and with 100% domain code and ~0% syntax! Do we really need to explicitly state whether a function is a continuation or a transform?
return get_env("KafkaConsumerConfigFile")
| get_file_contents
| make_client
| connect
| subscribe;
Unix commands seamlessly compose, piping into each other to form a clear train of operations in one line! Similarly in C++, we moved away from non-composable, multi-step processing of ranges using algorithm. We embraced the composable ranges using pipes. This reduced time & space complexity, improved performance, provided clarity & reduced cognitive load when working with ranges.
But, when NOT dealing with std::ranges, can one work with such easy composability? Why not pipe operations to work with application/business entities! YES, of course, I say! Let's pipe application logic operations & get declarative! HOW HARD COULD IT BE!
With just C++11, we achieve piping operations for any generic T & a Callable. We address Error handling, Resource management, Customizations and Variations like chaining functions taking more than 1 argument or invoking a member function operation instead of free function. Supporting C++20, we make sure our pipe implementation does NOT interfere with std::ranges operations.
Finally, we address the proposed C++23 Monadic interface functions (and_then, transform, or_else) of std::optional and present how we can implement the same without having to explicitly state the verbose and_then, transform, or_else to work with optional. We encounter a surprise on the way & correct overload resolution by employing a concept.
We also discuss critique & compromises of this approach.
Ankur Satle
Ankur is an avid (natural) language learner, but C++ is his mother tongue!
His mantra is: "Effective, Efficient & Elegant". He leverages the power of the small to build large-scale systems. As Smart Data Platform Architect at EXFO, he builds High-performance, Scalable, Telecom Products for 4G/5G Core. He loves working in constrained environments.
He was the Organizer & Host of CppIndiaCon, since inception. His dream came true when he hosted the AMA with Bjarne Stroustrup!
He is the Core Organizer at CppIndia, India's C++ User Group, the most active C++ user group.
He has presented at CppCon 2020 & CppCon 2021, CppIndiaCon 2021 & CppIndiaCon 2022
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Reflection in C++ - Past, Present, and Hopeful Future - Andrei Alexandrescu - CppCon 2022
Aspect Oriented Programming. Metaobject protocols. Intentional">programming. AspectC++. OpenC++. C++ metaclasses. Reflection and related technologies already has a long history in the theory and practice of several">programming languages, including C++. However, the lofty promises of the 1990s (user-defined language semantics, infinite configurability, ultimate code reuse) failed to materialize in mainstream success.
Within the standard C++ realm, a reflection proposal has had a long and meandering road that is finally converging. Will it be successful? Why is this time different? And most importantly, what's in it for the community - what compelling applications are at the horizon to justify the addition to an already large language core?
This talk explores these questions and several related others. Although you won't take home code and insights that you can put to work tomorrow, you will acquire something that is less urgent but arguably more important: a vision of a better way of writing programs. Think generic">programming without the pain, high-leverage generic code, seamless integration with foreign languages, and much more.
Andrei Alexandrescu
Andrei Alexandrescu is a Principal Research Scientist at NVIDIA. He wrote three best-selling books on">programming (Modern C++ Design, C++ Coding Standards, and The D Programming Language) and numerous articles and papers on wide-ranging topics from">programming to language design to Machine Learning to Natural Language Processing to fundamental algorithms. Andrei holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington and a BSc in Electrical Engineering from University "Politehnica" Bucharest. He is the Vice President of the D Language Foundation.
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C++23 - What's In It For You? - Marc Gregoire - CppCon 2022
C++23, the next release of the C++ standard, is scheduled to be released in 2023. The update introduces new features to the core language and to the Standard Library. If you want to stay up to date with the latest features that are upcoming with this new release, then this session is for you.
The session includes core language topics such as consteval if statements, multidimensional subscript operators, decay copy, unreachable code, and more. New Standard Library features that will be shown include monadic operations for std::optional, std::flat_map, std::flat_set, a stacktrace library, changes to the ranges library, improvements to std::format, std::expected, and many more.
The session will include references to other sessions at CppCon, if applicable, for more deep-dive information on any particular topic.
Marc Gregoire
MARC GREGOIRE is a software project manager and software architect from Belgium. He graduated from the University of Leuven, Belgium, with a degree in "Burgerlijk ingenieur in de computer wetenschappen" (equivalent to a master of science in engineering in computer science). The year after, he received an advanced master’s degree in artificial intelligence, cum laude, at the same university. After his studies, Marc started working for a software consultancy company called Ordina Belgium. As a consultant, he worked for Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks on critical 2G and 3G software running on Solaris for telecom operators. This required working in international teams stretching from South America and the United States to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Now, Marc is a software architect at Nikon Metrology (, a division of Nikon and a leading provider of precision optical instruments, X-ray machines, and metrology solutions for X-ray, CT, and 3-D geometric inspection.
His main expertise is C/C++, specifically Microsoft VC++ and the MFC framework. He has experience in developing C++ programs running 24/7 on Windows and Linux platforms: for example, KNX/EIB home automation software. In addition to C/C++, Marc also likes C#.
Since April 2007, he has received the annual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award for his Visual C++ expertise.
Marc is the founder of the Belgian C++ Users Group (, author of “Professional C++” 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Editions (Wiley/Wrox), co-author of “C++ Standard Library Quick Reference” 1st and 2nd editions (Apress), a technical editor for numerous books for several publishers, and a regular speaker at the CppCon C++ conference. He maintains a blog at and is passionate about traveling and gastronomic restaurants.
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Deciphering Coroutines - A Visual Approach - Andreas Weis - CppCon 2022
Coroutines are a powerful addition to C++20, allowing developers to drastically simplify code for certain kinds of problems and be adapted to a wide range of different use cases. But anyone trying to familiarize themselves with them will quickly notice that this flexibility comes at a price: In their current state, C++ coroutines are notoriously difficult to learn and their tight integration with the compiler gives them a feel quite unlike any other feature in the language.
The goal of this talk is to give a sustainable introduction on how to read and reason about coroutine code. We will learn how all the different elements of the mechanism fit together and to distinguish the parts of the code that follow the new rules of coroutines from those that still follow the well known conventional rules of C++. We will approach this through the construction of a coroutine cheat sheet, a collection of diagrams that serve as visual maps for navigating the complexities of the feature. Special care is taken to provide visual cues that are easily recognizable later on, to compensate for the fact that learners tend to forget the numerous details of the mechanism very fast if they don't use it in their everyday coding.
To account for the complexity of the topic, this talk focuses exclusively on providing a comprehensive introduction to the coroutine syntax, without discussing any advanced use cases. However, with the knowledge obtained from this talk, attendees will be able to easily follow more advanced presentations of coroutines later on without getting lost in the technical details of its peculiar syntax.
Andreas Weis
Andreas Weis has been writing C++ code in many different domains, from real-time graphics, to distributed applications, to embedded systems. As a library writer by nature, he enjoys writing portable code and exposing complex functionalities through simple, richly-typed interfaces. Both of which C++ allows him to do extensively. Andreas is also one of the co-organizers of the Munich C++ User Group, which allows him to share this passion with others on a regular basis.
He currently works for Woven Planet, where he focuses on building modern software for use in safety critical systems.
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Compilation Speedup Using C++ Modules: A Case Study - Chuanqi Xu - CppCon 2022
The presentation will show a series of experimental results to (try to) answer the interesting and hard question: how much speedup we could get if we use C++20 Modules? We will compare the compilation time of a modularized library with its original implementation in many different compiling configurations (Optimization Levels, Debug Informations and other compiler techniques). Then we would discuss the reasons behind the numbers. And we will discuss the possible optimization techniques in the future to speedup the compilation process more and the corresponding impact on performance, code sizes, object ABI and language standard.
Q: What will I learn? and Why is this important to me?
You will find the improvements of C++20 modules for a real world project. It may be helpful for your future decision on C++20 modules. (For example, should we use it? How much benefit could we get actually?)
Q: Will it include a quick recap of modules or is that knowledge a prerequisite from the audience?
It will include a quick recap of modules.
Q: What is the compiler used?
We use clang in our experiments.
Q: What is the build system used?
We use a hand written makefile to build the modules.
Q: Will it talk about the lessons learned in refactoring to modules?
No. We don't focus on specific grammars.
Chuanqi Xu
A compiler engineer for Clang/LLVM who focus on both frontend/middle-end. Maintaining Coroutines parts in Clang/LLVM. Implementer/User of Coroutine libraries. Implementing/Using C++20 Named Modules.
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The Imperatives Must Go! [Functional Programming in Modern C++] - Victor Ciura - CppCon 2022
Can a language whose official motto is “Avoid Success at All Costs” teach us new tricks in modern C++ ?
If Haskell is so great, why hasn't it taken over the world? My claim is that it has. But not as a Roman legion loudly marching in a new territory, rather as distributed Trojan horses popping in at the gates, masquerading as modern features or novel ideas in today’s mainstream languages. Functional Programming ideas that have been around for over 40 years will be rediscovered to solve our current software complexity problems.
Indeed, modern C++ has become more functional. From mundane concepts like lambdas & closures, std::function, values types and constants, to composability of STL algorithms, lazy ranges, folding, mapping or even higher-order functions in STL. Did I mention Rust yet?
In this session we’ll analyze a bunch of FP techniques in C++ and see how they help make our code shorter, clearer and faster, by embracing a declarative vs. an imperative style. We’ll visit the functional parts of current STL, use algebraic data types (ADT) and learn about the new FP stuff coming in the next C++ standard, like ranges or monadic extensions to std::future, std::optional and std::expected. Brace yourselves for a bumpy ride including composition, lifting, currying, partial application, pure functions, maybe even pattern matching and lazy evaluation.
Victor Ciura
Victor Ciura is a senior software engineer on the Visual C++ team, helping to improve the tools he’s been using for years. Before joining Microsoft, he programmed C++ professionally for 20 years, designing and implementing several core components & libraries of Advanced Installer, improving the virtualization and repackaging technologies for MSI/MSIX.
One of his hobbies is tidying-up and modernizing aging codebases and has been known to build open-source tools that help this process: Clang Power Tools.
He’s a regular guest at Computer Science Department of his Alma Mater, University of Craiova, where he gives student lectures & workshops on using modern C++, STL, algorithms and optimization techniques.
More details: @ciura_victor & &
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What’s New in C++23 - Sy Brand - CppCon 2022
C++23 comes with a host of language and library features to simplify your code, make it more expressive, and give you more power to play with. With the help of my cats, I’ll walk you through the majority of upcoming features, showing you how they can work together and what benefits you’ll gain from upgrading when the time comes.
Sy Brand
Sy Brand is Microsoft’s C++ Developer Advocate. Their background is in compilers and debuggers for embedded accelerators, but they’re also interested in generic library design, metaprogramming, functional-style C++, undefined behaviour, and making our communities more welcoming and inclusive.
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