Category: Science & Technology

C++ Standards Committee – Fireside Chat Panel – CppCon 2021

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This panel of representative members of the C++ standards committee is ready to discuss everything from C++20, to how the committee is working online as we start the C++23 cycle, and what to look forward to in Standard C++ in the coming years.

Besides C++’s creator, the panelists include the current leaders of key subgroups. These leaders are responsible for language and library evolution, and topics like compile-time programming, real-time/embedded systems, AI, and teaching as the community starts to absorb all the new features in C++20.

The panel also includes representation of fresh forward-looking thinking with the heads of some of the newest national bodies to join in and participate in ISO C++.

Lisa Lippincott
Lisa Lippincott designed the software architectures of Tanium and BigFix, two systems for managing large fleets of computers. She's also a language nerd, and has contributed to arcane parts of the C++ standard. In her spare time, she studies mathematical logic, and wants to make computer-checked proofs of correctness a routine part of programming.

Herb Sutter
Herb is an author, designer of several Standard C++ features, and chair of the ISO C++ committee and the Standard C++ Foundation. His current interest is simplifying C++.

Michael Wong
Michael Wong is Distinguished Engineer/VP of R&D at Codeplay Software. He is a current Director and VP of ISOCPP , and a senior member of the C++ Standards Committee with more then 15 years of experience. He chairs the WG21 SG5 Transactional Memory and SG14 Games Development/Low Latency/Financials C++ groups and is the co-author of a number C++/OpenMP/Transactional memory features including generalized attributes, user-defined literals, inheriting constructors, weakly ordered memory models, and explicit conversion operators. He has published numerous research papers and is the author of a book on C++11. He has been an invited speaker and keynote at numerous conferences. He is currently the editor of SG1 Concurrency TS and SG5 Transactional Memory TS. He is also the Chair of the SYCL standard and all Programming Languages for Standards Council of Canada. Previously, he was CEO of OpenMP involved with taking OpenMP toward Acceelerator support and the Technical Strategy Architect responsible for moving IBM’s compilers to Clang/LLVM after leading IBM’s XL C++ compiler team.

Bjarne Stroustrup
C++: history, design, use, standardization, future; performance, reliability; software developer education; distributed systems

Gabriel Dos Reis
Gabriel Dos Reis is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft, where he works in the area of large scale software construction, tools, and techniques. He is also a researcher, and a longtime member of the C++ community, author and co-author of numerous extensions to support large scale programming, compile-time and generic programming. His research interests include programming tools for dependable software. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University. Dr. Dos Reis was a recipient of the 2012 National Science Foundation CAREER award for his research in compilers for dependable computational mathematics and educational activities.

Inbal Levi
Inbal Levi is an embedded software engineer with a passion for high performance.
She is a director at ISO C++ foundation, co chair of Library Evolution, the chair of SG9 (Ranges group) of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 (the C++ Standards Committee) and of the ISO C++ Israeli NB, and one of the organizers of CoreCpp conference and user group.

David Stone
David Stone has worked on autonomous vehicles, large-scale distributed systems, and now works developing software for high-frequency trading. He is a member of the C++ Standardization Committee, where he chairs the Modules Study Group (SG2) and is the vice chair of the Evolution Working Group (EWG).

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Back to Basics: Concurrency – Mike Shah – CppCon 2021

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You have spent your hard earned money on a multi-core machine. But what does that mean for you as a programmer or for the consumers of your software who also spent their hard earned money on a multi-core machine? Well the deal is, you only get an increase in performance, if you know how to take advantage of your hardware. Perhaps you have also heard something about the free lunch being over for programmers?

In this talk we provide a gentle introduction to concurrency with the modern C++ std::thread library. We will introduce topics with pragmatic code examples introducing the ideas of threads and locks, and showing how these programming primitives enable concurrency. In addition, we will show the common pitfalls to be aware of with concurrency: data races, starvation, and deadlock (the most extreme form of starvation!). But don’t worry--I will show you how to fix these concurrency bugs!

The session will wrap up with discussion and examples of other concurrency primitives and how to use them to write concurrent programs for common patterns(different types of locks, conditional variables, promises/futures). Attendees will leave this session being able to use threads, locks, and start thinking about architecting multithreaded software. All materials and code samples will also be posted online.

Mike Shah

Michael D. Shah completed his Ph.D. at Tufts University in the Redline Research Group in 2017. His Ph.D. thesis advisor was Samuel Z. Guyer. Michael finished his Masters degree in Computer Science in 2013 at Tufts University and Bachelors in Computers Science Engineering at The Ohio State University in 2011. Currently Michael is a lecturer at Northeastern University.

Michael discovered computer science at the age of 13 when googling ”how do I make games”. From that google search, Mike has worked as a freelance game developer, worked in industry for Intel, Sony Playstation, Oblong Industries, and researched at The Ohio Supercomputer Center to name a few. Mike cares about building tools to help programmers monitor and improve the performance of realtime applications– especially games.

In Michael’s spare time he is a long distance runner, weight lifter, and amateur pizza maker.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Implementing static_vector: How Hard Could it Be? – David Stone – CppCon 2021

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static_vector is a std::vector that allocates things on the stack instead of the heap. We have std::vector, so it should be easy to write a non-allocating version, right?

Sadly, it's not quite that simple. There are many aspects of the vector interface that make sense based on a container that can reallocate, but do not make sense for a container that cannot. This leads to some API differences. static_vector also faces certain challenges around constexpr that makes it both more and less constexpr than std::vector.

We will go into detail on how std::vector and how static_vector work, how they are similar, and how they differ. This presentation will be focusing on lower-level details and interactions with specific language features in C++20 and (hopefully) C++23. There will be lots of code examples, and we'll step through how they work and where they fall short, trying to build up to a working, production-ready solution.

David Stone

David Stone has worked on autonomous vehicles, large-scale distributed systems, and now works developing software for high-frequency trading. He is a member of the C++ Standardization Committee, where he chairs the Modules Study Group (SG2) and is the vice chair of the Evolution Working Group (EWG).

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Practical Advice for Maintaining and Migrating Working Code – Brian Ruth – CppCon 2021

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Modern best practices always recommend writing new code for testability and maintenance. However, most of us spend more time reading other people’s code and trying to find a place to put our change without breaking existing functionality. Rarely, if ever, does that code have tests; nor does the project timeline allow for large scale refactoring to make it testable. In this talk, we will discuss how to take the fear out of working on legacy code and start working toward not only adding a safety net so we can change with confidence, but also make it easier to understand what the code is actually doing. We’ll look at some techniques that can be implemented without requiring massive hits to your deadlines, and even address issues such as dealing with timing dependencies. Over time, both you and your team will be rewarded by increased reliability and productivity and no longer dread the word "legacy."

Brian Ruth

Brian has been programming in C++ for 20+ years; working for both small and large companies on a wide variety of projects and technologies. For over a decade he worked with neuroscience researchers and created high speed acquisition, analysis and visualization software. He is currently a senior software engineer at Garmin, developing embedded devices and migrating legacy modules to C++. When he isn’t knee deep in code, he is enjoying a home brewed beer or building some furniture. He has been a volunteer at CppCon since 2015.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Compile-Time Compression and Resource Generation with C++20 – Ashley Roll – CppCon 2021

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C++20 compile-time features can generate complex resources while simplifying code and ensuring correctness. You can generate USB descriptors, compressed data/strings, lookup tables, or even microcontroller configuration fuses.

In this session we will start from simple examples and progress through the challenges in building compile-time libraries, and then present techniques you can use to create your own header-only libraries with simple-to-use interfaces with lambdas providing user data in the constexpr context.

This session is directly relevant to those working in resource-constrained environments like embedded devices, but these techniques can be used in the wider C++ community.

Ashley Roll

Ashley has over 25 years of experience as a software engineer and architect working as an independent contractor in Brisbane, Australia. He has worked in large and small projects spanning web applications, desktop applications, business systems as well as embedded hardware and firmware.He has worked on systems as small as 8 bit microcontrollers, and as large as cloud infrastructure running microservice architectures. He enjoys applying modern C++ to bare metal firmware to build better solutions.

Videos Recorded & Edited by Digital Medium:

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Back to Basics: Pointers – Mike Shah – CppCon 2021

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Pointers are scary. Unfortunately that previous statement is what many beginners take away when first learning about pointers and the C++ language. In this talk, we will discuss the low level foundations of what a raw pointer is--a variable that stores an address. We will then see some examples of raw pointers for creating data structures, passing data into functions, dynamically allocated arrays, and function pointers. This portion will cover capabilities of raw pointers and syntax: * (asterisk), .(dot) , -> (arrow). By the end of the first portion of the talk, we will find pointers are not scary, but just another tool we can use in our programmers’ toolbox.

After learning the foundations, we are then going to discuss some of the pitfalls of pointers (e.g. nullptr’s, double frees, memory leaks). However, with modern C++, we can abstract away some of these problems using various “smart pointers” built into the standard library in <memory>. Attendees will leave understanding how we can use pointers in a safe manner through the standard library smart pointer abstractions.

Mike Shah

Michael D. Shah completed his Ph.D. at Tufts University in the Redline Research Group in 2017. His Ph.D. thesis advisor was Samuel Z. Guyer. Michael finished his Masters degree in Computer Science in 2013 at Tufts University and Bachelors in Computers Science Engineering at The Ohio State University in 2011. Currently Michael is a lecturer at Northeastern University.

Michael discovered computer science at the age of 13 when googling ”how do I make games”. From that google search, Mike has worked as a freelance game developer, worked in industry for Intel, Sony Playstation, Oblong Industries, and researched at The Ohio Supercomputer Center to name a few. Mike cares about building tools to help programmers monitor and improve the performance of realtime applications– especially games.

In Michael’s spare time he is a long distance runner, weight lifter, and amateur pizza maker.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Configuration, Extension, Maintainability – Titus Winters – CppCon

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Configurability should be considered a potential design smell, especially for systems and interfaces that will be in use for a long time. As an unfortunate result, “No, please don’t add that feature” must be a viable response to design proposals - just because a change can be made doesn’t mean it should. This is particularly challenging to square with a customer-focused product mindset: it’s hard to balance between long-term needs and immediate “the customer is always right.”

Providing options and toggles to configure settings gives users more freedom, but those settings become stale and brittle almost immediately, and regularly wind up pessimizing overall efficiency results. This is particularly true of rarely-used forms of extensibility and configuration. Of course, whatever sort of optionality and customization you provide will be hard to ever undo, because of Hyrum’s Law.

At the root of it, there is a fundamental tension between customization, extensibility, configuration vs. centralization, efficiency, and evolvability, and this tension needs to be considered when you are evaluating whether to add new customization and extensibility options. This talk will address some of the basic ways that design and invariants interact with long-term maintenance and optimization, and some heuristics for deciding whether adding a knob will turn out to be a mistake.

Titus Winters
Titus Winters has spent the past 6 years working on Google's core C++ libraries. He's particularly interested in issues of large scale software engineer and codebase maintenance: how do we keep a codebase of over 100M lines of code consistent and flexible for the next decade? Along the way he has helped Google teams pioneer techniques to perform automated code transformations on a massive scale, and helps maintain the Google C++ Style Guide.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Failing Successfully: Reporting and Handling Errors – Robert Leahy – CppCon 2021

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Writing code which successfully accomplishes a task is difficult. Four year software engineering degrees are, after all, spent learning something of substance. This difficulty only compounds as the code in question becomes less and less trivial. Successful accomplishment is not the only outcome of well written, real world software however: Tasks can fail for a variety of reasons.

From a certain point of view success is the least interesting outcome in software engineering. No one is woken up in the small hours of the morning because their software succeeded. Much gets said about the Ariane 5 but have you heard of the Ariane 4 or 6? It’s plausible that dealing with errors appropriately is the most important responsibility of a software engineer.

This talk will discuss errors and exceptions, how, when, and why they should be generated, how code should be structured to handle them, and what techniques can be used to ensure such situations are reported with sufficient context that the cause can be identified and addressed with minimal software engineer involvement.

Robert Leahy

Robert is a graduate of the University of Victoria where he specialized in graphics, gaming, and digital geometry processing. After 4.5 years in full stack web development he switched to financial infrastructure software development in early 2017. He’s since become involved in the ISO C++ committee while delivering high quality, process-driven code to meet the rigorous performance standards for which finance is so well known.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Back to Basics: Designing Classes (part 2 of 2) – Klaus Iglberger – CppCon 2021

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This is part 2 of a 2 part talk. Part 1 available here:

Designing good, maintainable classes is a challenge. Sometimes it even feels like there is a decision to make in every single line of code. This talk will help you master this challenge. It will explain …

* … why small classes are beautiful;
* … why it is so important to encapsulate variation points;
* … why inheritance is rarely the answer for customization;
* … how to write good and maintainable constructors;
* … how to make sure class invariants are maintained;
* … how to handle member data;
* … how to write good member functions;
* … how to write good supporting functions;
* … why your private members are not private at all.

Klaus Iglberger

Klaus Iglberger is a freelancing C++ trainer and consultant. He has finished his PhD in computer science in 2010 and since then is focused on large-scale C++ software design. He shares his experience in popular advanced C++ courses around the world (mainly in Germany, but also the EU and US). Additionally, he is the initiator and lead designer of the Blaze C++ math library ( and one of the organizers of the Munich C++ user group (

Videos Recorded & Edited by Digital Medium:

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology

Back to Basics: Designing Classes (part 1 of 2) – Klaus Iglberger – CppCon 2021

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Designing good, maintainable classes is a challenge. Sometimes it even feels like there is a decision to make in every single line of code. This talk will help you master this challenge. It will explain …

* … why small classes are beautiful;
* … why it is so important to encapsulate variation points;
* … why inheritance is rarely the answer for customization;
* … how to write good and maintainable constructors;
* … how to make sure class invariants are maintained;
* … how to handle member data;
* … how to write good member functions;
* … how to write good supporting functions;
* … why your private members are not private at all.

Klaus Iglberger

Klaus Iglberger is a freelancing C++ trainer and consultant. He has finished his PhD in computer science in 2010 and since then is focused on large-scale C++ software design. He shares his experience in popular advanced C++ courses around the world (mainly in Germany, but also the EU and US). Additionally, he is the initiator and lead designer of the Blaze C++ math library ( and one of the organizers of the Munich C++ user group (

Videos Recorded & Edited by Digital Medium:

The CppCon YouTube Channel Is Sponsored By:
JetBrains :

Filed under: Science & Technology