Tag: CppModules

import CMake, CMake and C++20 Modules – Bill Hoffman – CppCon 2022

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import CMake, CMake and C++20 Modules - Bill Hoffman - CppCon 2022

Originally developed as part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) open source medical segmentation and registration toolkit ITK in 1999, CMake has grown to take on a vital role in the C++ ecosystem. Bill Hoffman, a founder of Kitware (www.kitware.com), and the creator of CMake will talk about where CMake is in 2022. The talk will start with a brief history of CMake and how it fits into the world of C++. It will then talk about recent developments to support C++20 modules.

For most of CMake's history, CMake has played catch up and implemented new features as compilers and IDEs have been released. With C++ modules, CMake developers have engaged the standards committee and compiler vendors to help craft the standard in such a way that CMake and other build systems can more seamlessly implement C++ modules. CMake has worked with Fortran modules for many years and has updated the ninja build tool to be able to dynamically update dependency information as it is discovered. To do this CMake requires a Fortran parser built into CMake. For obvious reasons CMake does not want to get into having its own C++ parser. This is the main driving force for pushing this work into the compilers. This talk will go over the road map for CMake C++ module support.

In addition to the history of CMake, C++ module support, this talk will include material covering important CMake features supporting the seamless building, testing and deployment of C++ across most computing platforms. In summary, listeners will learn about CMake origins, the roadmap of C++ module support in CMake and get an overview of the current set of features in CMake.

Bill Hoffman

Mr. Hoffman is a founder of Kitware and currently serves as Chairman of the Board, Vice President, and Chief Technical Officer (CTO). He is the original author and a lead architect of CMake, an open source, cross-platform build and configuration tool that is used by hundreds of projects around the world, and he is the co-author of the accompanying text, Mastering CMake. Using his 20+ years of experience with large software systems development, Mr. Hoffman is also a major technical contributor to Kitware’s Visualization Toolkit, Insight Toolkit, and ParaView projects

Mr. Hoffman received a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida and an M.S. in Computer Science from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Prior to the formation of Kitware, he spent nine years at the General Electric Corporate Research and Development center, working in the Computer Vision Group. He has planned and taught several graduate-level courses at RPI as well as a course in object-oriented programming at New York University.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films: http://www.BashFilms.com
YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd https://events.digital-medium.co.uk

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Compilation Speedup Using C++ Modules: A Case Study – Chuanqi Xu – CppCon 2022

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Compilation Speedup Using C++ Modules: A Case Study - Chuanqi Xu - CppCon 2022

The presentation will show a series of experimental results to (try to) answer the interesting and hard question: how much speedup we could get if we use C++20 Modules? We will compare the compilation time of a modularized library with its original implementation in many different compiling configurations (Optimization Levels, Debug Informations and other compiler techniques). Then we would discuss the reasons behind the numbers. And we will discuss the possible optimization techniques in the future to speedup the compilation process more and the corresponding impact on performance, code sizes, object ABI and language standard.

Q: What will I learn? and Why is this important to me?

You will find the improvements of C++20 modules for a real world project. It may be helpful for your future decision on C++20 modules. (For example, should we use it? How much benefit could we get actually?)

Q: Will it include a quick recap of modules or is that knowledge a prerequisite from the audience?

It will include a quick recap of modules.

Q: What is the compiler used?

We use clang in our experiments.

Q: What is the build system used?

We use a hand written makefile to build the modules.

Q: Will it talk about the lessons learned in refactoring to modules?

No. We don't focus on specific grammars.

Chuanqi Xu

A compiler engineer for Clang/LLVM who focus on both frontend/middle-end. Maintaining Coroutines parts in Clang/LLVM. Implementer/User of Coroutine libraries. Implementing/Using C++20 Named Modules.

Videos Streamed, Edited, and YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium: http://online.digital-medium.co.uk

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