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Lightning Talk: majsdown: Metaprogramming? In my Slides? – by Vittorio Romeo – CppCon 2022

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Lightning Talk: majsdown: Metacppcon.digital-medium.co.uk/tag/programming/">programming? In my Slides? - Vittorio Romeo - CppCon 2022

"Showcase of a new open-source flavour of Markdown I developed, allowing users to write inline ECMAScript 6 code directly as part of the Markdown source. The preprocessor is written in C++20 and uses the C/C++ QuickJS library.

Notable use cases: automatic Godbolt link generation, embedding C++ source files, stateful slides, decorating C++ code blocks, etc."

Vittorio Romeo

Vittorio Romeo (B.Sc. Computer Science, 6+ YoE at Bloomberg) works on mission-critical C++ infrastructure and provides Modern C++ training to hundreds of fellow employees.

He began cppcon.digital-medium.co.uk/tag/programming/">programming around the age of 8 and became a C++ enthusiast shortly after discovering the language. Vittorio created several open-source C++ libraries and games, published many video courses and tutorials, actively participates in the ISO C++ standardization process, and maintains the popular SFML library.

He co-authored the acclaimed "Embracing Modern C++ Safely" book (published in January 2022) with J. Lakos, R. Khlebnikov, and A. Meredith.

Vittorio is an active member of the C++ community with an ardent desire to share his knowledge and learn from others: he presented and offered workshops over 20 times at international C++ conferences (including CppCon, C++Now, ++it, ACCU, C++ On Sea, C++ Russia, and Meeting C++), covering topics of various nature.

He also maintains a website with advanced C++ articles and a YouTube channel featuring well-received modern C++11/14 tutorials. Lastly, he's active on StackOverflow, taking great care in answering interesting C++ question (90k reputation).

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films: http://www.BashFilms.com
YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd https://events.digital-medium.co.uk

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Bringing a Mobile C++ Codebase to the Web – Li Feng – CppCon 2022

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Bringing a Mobile Cpp Codebase to the Web - Li Feng - CppCon 2022

Djinni is a tool for generating cross-language interface bindings between C++ and other languages. At Snap we managed to add full featured WebAssembly support to it. This means the same interface definitions for mobile platforms can now expose C++ code to Javascript and TypeScript code running in web browsers.

This work has helped bring Snap's large mobile C++ code base to the web with minimal change. It is the foundation of the recently released Snapchat for Desktop Web. And it is currently available on Github (https://github.com/snapchat/djinni).

In this talk you will see how Djinni enabled Snapchat to reuse our mobile C++ codebase in a browser app, how it works under the hood, and how you can use this open source tool in your own web projects.

Li Feng

Li has been writing software in C++ for over 20 years. He is currently a software engineer at Snap and the maintainer of Snap's open source Djinni project.

Videos Streamed & Edited by Digital Medium: http://online.digital-medium.co.uk

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