Tag: tipibuild

tipi.build A New C++ Package Manager – by Damien Buhl – CppCon 2022

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tipi.build a New C++ Package Manager - Damien Buhl - CppCon 2022

The considerable versatility of C++ paired to it's ever evolving nature has produced an incredibly powerful dynamic but highly fragmented tools and library ecosystem.

Build systems and new build scripting languages are flourishing, massive community efforts and developer time is invested in maintaining build and packages scripts.

In this talk we show how we build and dogfood a radically different approach to C++ builds and dependency management.

We show how this approach is promising to defragment the C++ ecosystem and tell about the crazy challenges and terrible bugs we encountered on real life projects.

Damien Buhl

Damien (aka daminetreg), co-founder and CEO from tipi.build is an enthusiast C++ developer. He is Opensource entrepreneur, CppCon Speaker, GameMaker.fr community founder, Qt for Android contributor and Boost.Fusion maintainer since 2014

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films: http://www.BashFilms.com
YouTube Channel Managed by Digital Medium Ltd https://events.digital-medium.co.uk

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