As much as we try to make it go away, the preprocessor is still here. It is used by many libraries and extensively throughout legacy code. And, in some cases, it is still the best tool to get the job done. In this talk, we will review the C and C++ preprocessor directives, where the abilities of the preprocessor differ between the two languages, and the modern C++ attempts to replace those directives. When this talk is completed, you should be more comfortable both debugging and modernizing preprocessor usage in your code.
Brian Ruth
Brian has been programming in C++ for 20+ years; working for both small and large companies on a wide variety of projects and technologies. For over a decade he worked with neuroscience researchers and created high speed acquisition, analysis and visualization software. He is currently a senior software engineer at Garmin, developing embedded devices and migrating legacy modules to C++. When he isn’t knee deep in code, he is enjoying a home brewed beer or building some furniture. He has been a volunteer at CppCon since 2015.
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