A Tour of C++ Recognised User Type Categories – Nina Ranns – CppCon 2022

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  • A Tour of C++ Recognised User Type Categories – Nina Ranns – CppCon 2022


A Tour of Cpp Recognised User Type Categories - Nina Ranns - CppCon 2022

What's trivial about trivial types ? What can we say about the layout of the standard layout types? What is the lifetime of an implicit-lifetime type ? How are all these types different from aggregate types and literal types, why do we need them, and when do we care ? Modern C++ offers several new classification of types to help users optimize their code. Getting familiar with them will allow you to take advantage of the special provisions the language gives you and write better code. Knowing the boundaries of those specific situations will prevent you from falling into the UB abyss. Join me as we take a tour of language recognised user types, noting their advantages and pitfalls.

Nina Ranns

Nina Ranns has been a member of the C++ standard committee since 2013, focusing mostly on the core part of the language, and committee secretary since 2018. Throughout her career she has worked for Siemens, Motorola, Datasift, and Symantec on everything from parts of the UMTS network to cloud based antivirus products. Currently an independent consultant with contracts for EDG, QT, and most recently Bloomberg, where she is eagerly extending her library knowledge and helping create new polymorphic-allocator friendly library types.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films: http://www.BashFilms.com
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