Back To Basics: Debugging Techniques – Bob Steagall – CppCon 2021
Finding and correcting defects in our code (aka bugs) is often a time-consuming, tedious, and challenging task. As the size and complexity of our code bases grows, it can feel like the corresponding difficulty in finding and understanding defects is growing exponentially. And yet, defects continue to arise, and we must continue to fix them.

This talk will look at what debugging is, the role of debugging in our development processes, and some of the many challenges associated with debugging. We'll look at the kinds of defects that debugging can address, and examine a number of strategies, tools, and tips for tracking them down. Finally, we'll provide some guidance for what to do after you've found the problem.

If you've ever faced a challenging bug, and wished for a more complete set of tools for finding it, then this session is for you. Attendees will leave this session with a basic set of debugging tips, tools, and tricks that they can immediately apply to their own daily work.

Bob Steagall

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